This Site is a MUST SEE. It is the whole reason I decided to make a blog, thus why it is the first of all the sites I will be uploading. She is a large inspiration to this blog and the way it is laid out. I hope this compliments her and does not in any way offend her.
If you are Saya and this offends you, I will take it down immediately! I will try to contact you, to make sure this is all right!
Saya takes her time out of her day to translate Japanese Tales into English. The tales primarily consist of a supernatural theme, but at times will surprise you with something else. You will have to go check it out to find out for yourself. It plunges you into Japan's dark culture, which Japanese culture in itself is fun. It provides you with: Pictures, Video, & most importantly the stories!!
This is not my personal favorite, but an example as to what the site has to offer:
*If you are afraid of going to toilet alone in the middle of night you'd better not read this kind of story. I have warned you!
"A man woke up in the middle of night to go to bathroom. He got up and groped his way to the door in the dark. He was about to open it when someone knocked it three times from the other side. This was strange, since he lived alone in the house. He thought he must have a friend staying over without remembering it, as such things often happened after a night of drunken revelry. He therefore opened it without much concern.
But instead of a familiar face of his friend, he saw a strange old woman dressed in kimono, with a bent back and downcast eyes, standing still in the doorway. Her face was unusually pale.
And the old woman, without words, took him away to some faraway place, and the man was never seen again.
If you have read this story, you may have a visit from the same old woman within three days. If you hear the knocks three times in the middle of night before you open a door, do not open it immediately, but chant the word "Uba-Yo-Sare" three times. This will make the malicious old woman go away. If you don't follow the instruction, well..... you know what happens."
But instead of a familiar face of his friend, he saw a strange old woman dressed in kimono, with a bent back and downcast eyes, standing still in the doorway. Her face was unusually pale.
And the old woman, without words, took him away to some faraway place, and the man was never seen again.
If you have read this story, you may have a visit from the same old woman within three days. If you hear the knocks three times in the middle of night before you open a door, do not open it immediately, but chant the word "Uba-Yo-Sare" three times. This will make the malicious old woman go away. If you don't follow the instruction, well..... you know what happens."
Again, you should go check it out, it can keep you entertained for hours!
- Blue
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