Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cracked Articles Pt. 03

Being lazy today, just going to add links so I can delete them off my Bookmarks.

  1. A Day in America According to a (Baffled) Foreigner
  2. Reminder: 5 Things You Think Will Make You Happy (But Won't)
  3. The 6 Most Important Things Humanity Just Plain Forgot
  4. Classic Disney Movies
  5. The 5 Most Half-Assed Scams That Were Shockingly Successful
  6. 6 Baffling Mistakes Criminals Apparently Make All the Time
  7. 6 Reasons Assholes Are Healthier (According to Science)
  8. The 7 Worst Things That Can (And Did) Happen at a Funeral
  9. The 5 Creepiest Serial Killers (Who Were Animals)
  10. 5 Shockingly Powerful Kids Who Make You Look Like a Coward 
  11. Dr. Seuss  
  12. The 25 Least Useful Self-Help Books Possible  [Contest]
  13. 6 Soldiers Who Survived Shit That Would Kill a Terminator 
  14. The 7 Most Horrifying Things Ever Discovered in a Human Body 
  15. 6 Human Character Flaws (That Saved the Species) 
  16. The 6 Biggest Badasses Who Lived As The Opposite Sex 
  17. 5 Cultures With the Most WTF Wedding Rituals 
  18. 7 Mind-Blowing Easter Eggs Hidden in Famous Works of Art 
  19. Is it Gay or is it Maxim? A (Surprisingly Hard) Magazine Ad Quiz 
  20. The 7 Most Soul-Crushing Series Finales in TV History 
  21. The 17 Most Unintentionally Hilarious Propaganda Posters 
  22. 6 Ways You Can (Accidentally) Attract the Ladies 
  23. 6 Things Men Do To Get Laid That Science Says Turn Women Off
  24. The 6 Most Baffling Things Every TV Ad Assumes Are True
  25. 6 Depraved Sexual Fetishes That Are Older Than You Think
  26. 5 Bizarre Sexual Conditions That Can Ruin Your Life
  27. 6 Popular Fashion Trends (That Killed People)
  28. 7 Awesome Acts of Nature (That Science Can't Explain)
  29. 13 Real Animals Lifted Directly Out of Your Nightmares
  30. The Gruesome Origins of 5 Popular Fairy Tales
  31. 16 More Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped
  32. 17 More Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped
  33. 6 Ridiculous Sex Myths (That Are Actually True)
  34. 15 Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped
  35. 15 MORE Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped
  36. 6 Insane Discoveries That Science Can't Explain
  37. 7 Horrifying Moments from Classic Kids Movies
  38. 6 Creepy Urban Legends That Happen to be True (Part 3!)
  39. 6 MORE Creepy Urban Legends (That Happen to be True)
  40. The 5 Creepiest Urban Legends (That Happen to be True)
  41. 5 Myths That People Don't Realize Are Admitted Hoaxes
  42. 6 Things Your Body Does Every Day That Science Can't Explain
  43. 6 Movie Plots Made Possible by Bafflingly Bad Decisions
  44. 6 Scientific Reasons Breakups Suck Worse Than You Think
  45. 5 Old Comic Book Ads That Tried to Get Children Killed
  46. 7 Terrifying Prehistoric Creatures (That Are Still Around)
  47. 5 Inventions You Won't Believe Came From War 
  48. 6 Baffling Flaws in Famous Sci-Fi Technology
  49. The 7 Most Irritating Characters From Otherwise Great Movies
  50. 7 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Outbreak Would Fail (Quickly)
  51. 5 UFO Sightings That Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy
  52. 17 Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped (Part 6)
  53. The 7 Most Horrifying Museums on Earth
  54. 6 Things From History Everyone Pictures Incorrectly
  55. The 5 Strangest Things Evolution Left in Your Body
  56. 6 Massive Secret Operations That Are Hidden All Around You
  57. 5 Reasons Immortality Would be Worse than Death
  58. 7 Famous Movie Flaws That Were Explained in Deleted Scenes
  59. 6 Famous Unsolved Mysteries (That Have Totally Been Solved)
  60. 5 Mind Blowing Ways Your Memory Plays Tricks On You
  61. 5 Insane Scientific Charts You Won't Believe Actually Exist
  62. 5 Fictional Stories You Were Taught in History Class
  63. 7 Famous Works of Art With Bizarre Mistakes You Can't Unsee
  64. The 5 Stupidest Ways Movies Deal With Foreign Languages
  65. 10 Tips for Raising the Child You Really Shouldn't Have Had
  66. 4 Real Survival Guides for Wildly Improbable Situations
  67. 10 Photos Capturing Moments of Spontaneous Badassery
  68. 5 Of The Greatest Escape Artists Ever (Were Animals)
  69. The 5 Most Half-Assed Monsters in Movie History
  70. CGI Boobs: 7 Special Effects The Stars Want to Keep Secret
  71. 6 Things Movie Characters Always Seem to Forget
  72. 6 Amazingly High-Tech Ancient Weapons
  73. 5 Real Historical Death Stars (Complete With Baffling Flaws)
  74. 6 Things That Are Secretly Turning You Into A Bad Person
  75. 6 Shockingly Evil Things Babies Are Capable Of 
  76. 5 Annoying Trends That Make Every Movie Look the Same
  77. 6 People Who Died In Order To Prove A (Retarded) Point
  78. 5 People You've Never Heard Of Who Saved the World
  79. 6 Evil Corporations in Movies (With Terrible Business Plans)
  80. 5 Widely Believed Dating Myths (Science Says Aren't True)
  81. 5 Things Hollywood Reuses More Than Plots
  82. The 5 Historical Figures Who Died The Weirdest Deaths
  83. The 7 Most Impressive (And Depressing) Geek Collections
  84. The Vampire Formula: What Women See In Them
  85. 6 Japanese Subcultures That Are Insane (Even for Japan)
  86. 9 Video Game Easter Eggs That Took Years to Find
  87. 9 Beloved Characters Made Horrifying by Japan
  88. The 6 (Wrong) Questions Men Love to Ask About Women
  89. 5 People Who Bragged About Awful Crimes Via 'Art'
  90. 8 'Adorable' Viral Videos That Qualify as Animal Cruelty [Video]
  91. 13 Wildly Irresponsible Vintage Ads Aimed at Kids
  92. 5 Ridiculous Ancient Beliefs That Turned Out to Be True
  93. 6 Acts of Propaganda That Backfired Hilariously
  94. 6 Things Everyone Knows About Women (That Aren't True)
  95. The 6 Most Unlikely Partners in the Animal Kingdom
  96. The 5 Creepiest Sex Scenes in Comics
  97. 6 Classics Despised by the People Who Created Them
  98. The 6 Worst Jobs Ever (Were Done by Children)
  99. The 5 Most Mind-Blowing Coincidences of All Time
  100. 6 Random Coincidences That Created The Modern World

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